

Last day for IYS is December 1st, 2020

If you have not registered with the Message Management System ("IYS") and have not uploaded the consents that you have previously received from your customers for sending commercial electronic messages to the IYS, these consents will be invalid as of December 1st, 2020. Therefore, determining the liabilities of your company regarding the IYS and uploading consents / information to the IYS is very important. If you want to continue to send commercial electronic messages uninterruptedly while remaining compliant, and carry out your marketing activities after December 1st, 2020, remember that you have only 13 days left to fulfil your obligations under the IYS.

You can find our previous blog post regarding IYS here. You may also find Turkish version of the video regarding the webinar that we organized together with Dr. Tolga Tüfekçi, General Manager of IYS A.Ş., here.