27 October 2023
The Turkish Competition Authority and the Data Protection Authority announced the signing of the Cooperation and Information Sharing Protocol (“Protocol”) between the two authorities on their websites.
In their announcements, they emphasised that cooperation between the two authorities is inevitable due to the effects of the development of data-based technologies on competition law and data protection law. The two authorities have agreed upon the following issues within the scope of the Protocol:
You can find the details of the announcements here https://www.kvkk.gov.tr/Icerik/7732/Kisisel-Verileri-Koruma-Kurumu-ile-Rekabet-Kurumu-Arasinda-Is-Birligi-ve-Bilgi-Paylasimi-Protokolu-Imzalandi https://www.rekabet.gov.tr/tr/Guncel/kisisel-verileri-koruma-kurumu-ile-rekab-6df0abc2d373ee118ec700505685da39
This protocol signifies that Turkish authorities support the growing cooperation and interoperability between competition and data protection authorities worldwide. Likewise, companies should prioritise aligning their compliance programs with this approach.
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